WebStack Challenge 3.0 - Build Instagram With ReactJS
July 18, 2022 • 0 minute read •

Instagram App Requirements
Challenge Tutorial video
React Crash Course - Build An Instagram Clone (you can only access this with the email address used to register for the challenge)
QnA (Listen to this recording)
Deadline for submission
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
You’ll be assigned a repo from the NewDev organization on GitHub where you’ll raise a pull request to submit your project.
- Important: In your Readme.md file, add a detailed description of your project and a link to your hosted app.
How you’ll be graded
- Completion of all listed tasks below
- Active participation in the WebStack challenge discord channel
- Your Reputation score in the NewDev app
- Ability to work on feedback
- The quality of your stories
- Stories should be detailed
- More than one line
- Contain enough information for everyone to know exactly what you worked on
User Actions
- App should be responsive on mobile
- User should see a message when there’s no item in the gallery
- Use the useLiveQuery hook for bio details instead of the current React useState hook
- To delete a photo, first display a modal that confirms if user is sure they want to delete
- Show loading animation when images are being fetched from the database
- User should be able to clear all items at once
- New photos should be added to the top of the list. It's currently getting added to the bottom
- App should work offline
Code Standards
- Proper indentation
- Preferably 2 spaces per indent
- Understandable variable naming
- Proper spacing and use of empty lines
- Use of arrow functions
- Use of
for variable declaration
App Requirements
- Application should be built from the base project in the challenge tutorial
- Application should be responsive
- Application should work offline
- Application should be installable
- Application should be hosted on Netlify
- Application should not use any external library apart from those used in challenge tutorial
- JavaScript
- React
- IndexedDb/Dexie for storage
- Workbox for service worker generation